Game Functions

These functions are used for manipulating the Halo game as well as accessing various functions of SAPP.




This function creates a new custom event variable. Type can be: 0 = Global string, 1 = Global integer, 2 = Global float, 3 = Player string, 4 = Player integer, 5 = Player float

Takes: string VariableName, number Type


This function assigned a weapon to a player. This function will fail if the player cannot accept the weapon. A player can have at most four weapons.

Takes: number ObjectID, number PlayerIndex

Returns: boolean Success


This function applies active camouflage to a player for a specified number of ticks. If a player already has camo applied, then this function will not do anything. Note that there are 30 ticks in a second.

Takes: number PlayerIndex, number Duration


This function outputs a message to the console.

Takes: string Message. optional number Color


This function deletes a custom event variable.

Takes: string VariableName


This function deletes an object. Deleting critical items such as flags, oddballs, and vehicles not spawned by SAPP may crash the server or result in undefined behavior.

Takes: number ObjectID


This function removes an object from the player’s hand and throws it onto the ground.

Takes: number PlayerIndex


This function forces a player to enter a vehicle. Players may be in multiple vehicles or seats at once.

Takes: number VehicleID, number PlayerIndex, string Seat

Returns: boolean Success


This function executes a command, optionally on a player’s behalf. Setting Echo to true will raise EVENT_ECHO if there is any output from the command executed.

Takes: string Command, optional number PlayerIndex, optional boolean Echo


This function executes a sequence of commands separated with semicolons, optionally on a player’s behalf. Setting Echo to true will raise EVENT_ECHO if there is any output from any of the commands that were executed.

Takes: string CommandSequence, optional number PlayerIndex, optional boolean Echo


This function forces the player to exit a vehicle.

Takes: number PlayerIndex


This function retrieves the memory address of a player. This function will return 0 if the player is not currently alive.

Takes: number PlayerIndex

Returns: number PlayerObjectAddress


This function retrieves the memory address of an object from its object ID. This function will return 0 if the object ID is invalid or the object no longer exists.

Takes: number ObjectID Returns: number ObjectAddress


This function retrieves the static memory address of the player table entry.

Takes: number PlayerIndex

Returns: number PlayerTableAddress


This function retrieves an event variable or custom event variable. See Event Variables and Custom Variables for more information on these variables. PlayerIndex does not need to be valid if you are going to retrieve a global variable.

Takes: number PlayerIndex, string Variable


This function performs a collision check from a given point and a vector. The object with the ObjectID will be ignored during the collision check. It returns the coordinates of the intersection and an ObjectID of the object that was hit, or 0xFFFFFFFF if nothing was hit.

Takes: number PointX, number PointY, number PointZ, number VectorX, number VectorY, number VectorZ, optional number ObjectID

Returns: boolean Success, number CollisionX, number CollisionY, number collisionZ, number CollisionObjectID


This function kills a player, adding one death and applying any necessary respawn time.

Takes: number PlayerIndex


This function returns the memory address of a tag in the map using the tag’s class and path.

Use the alternative tag ID version of the lookup_tag function if you anticipate a protected map or a map where the tag path can for any reason vary. If you want to look for tag paths/classes in a map file, use a modding tool such as HMT or Eschaton.

Takes: string TagClass, string TagPath

Returns: number TagAddress


This function returns the memory address of a tag in the map using the tag’s ID. This is useful if you have an exact tag ID or you anticipate a protected map.

Tag IDs vary from map to map. You will need a way to find them, such as from HMT or reading Halo’s memory. Use the alternative tag class/path version of this function if you want to specify a class and path. Tag paths and classes on unprotected stock maps generally remain the same. Use the alternative tag class/path version of the lookup_tag function if you do not anticipate the tag path varying.

Takes: number TagID

Returns: number TagAddress


This function returns true if the player is alive.

Takes: number PlayerIndex

Returns: boolean PlayerAlive


This function returns true if the player is present.

Takes: number PlayerIndex

Returns: boolean PlayerPresent


This function assigns a powerup to a player. This may fail if the player powerup cannot affect the player.

Takes: number ObjectID, number PlayerIndex

Returns: boolean Success


This function returns a random number. The minimum number is inclusive, and the maximum number is exclusive. If you don’t specify either value, then minimum is 0 and maximum (exclusive) is 231 (2147483648).

Takes: optional number Minimum, optional number Maximum

Returns: number RandomNumber


This function registers an event callback. If the callback is already set, then it will be overwritten. See the Event Callbacks section below. Use the cb global table for a list of all of the callback numbers.

Example usage: register_callback(cb[‘EVENT_GAME_START’], “OnGameStart”)

Takes: number Callback, string CallbackFunctionName


This function sends a message to a player’s console.

Takes: number PlayerIndex, string Message


This function sends the chat message to a specific player.

Takes: number PlayerIndex, string Message


This function sends the chat message to all players that are on the server.

Takes: string Message


This function sets an event variable to a value, returning false if the variable doesn’t exist. Variables placed in Value will also be substituted for their value, optionally using a player variable if CopiedPlayerIndex is also specified.

Takes: number PlayerIndex, string VariableName, string Value, optional number CopiedPlayerIndex Returns: boolean Success


This function scans Halo’s executable code for the given byte signature. A byte signature is a string of bytes, and unknown bytes are ?? (e.g. “83EC??568BF0A0????????84C00F84”). This function returns 0 if the signature wasn’t found.

Takes: string Signature Returns: number Address


This function spawns an object at the specified coordinates. If TagID is specified, then TagType and TagPath are ignored.

Takes: string TagType, string TagPath, optional number X, optional number Y, optional number Z, optional number Rotation, optional number TagID

Returns: number ObjectID


This function spawns an object at the specified location. If TagID is specified, then TagType and TagPath are ignored.

Takes: string TagType, string TagPath, string Location, optional number Rotation, optional number TagID Returns: number ObjectID


This function spawns a projectile at the specified location, optionally with the specified rotation.

Takes: number TagID, number ParentID, number LocX, number LocY, number LocZ, optional number RotX, optional number RotY, optional number RotZ

Returns: number ObjectID


This function syncs loaded and unloaded ammo of a weapon.

Takes: number ObjectID


This function creates a timer and executes a function after a delay. If the timer returns true, then the timer repeats.

Takes: number Milliseconds, string FunctionName, optional string Arguments…


This function converts a player table index (internally used by Halo [0-15]) to a player index (used by commands and Lua functions [1-16]).

Takes: number PlayerTableIndex

Returns: number PlayerIndex


This function converts a player index (used by commands and Lua functions [1-16]) to a player table index (internally used by Halo [0-15]).

Takes: number PlayerIndex

Returns: number PlayerTableIndex


This function unregisters an event registered with the register_callback function (see Event Callbacks section).

Example usage: unregister_callback(cb[‘EVENT_GAME_START’])

Takes: number Callback